Cornwall’s War Memorial. Cornwall, Ontario

Cornwall’s War Memorial.

Second Street, looking west with the Post Office in the right foreground and the Seaway Building in the right background. Several signs can be seen in between, including Levesque’s Children’s Wear and the Jade Garden Restaurant. The Optimist Club of Cornwall sponsored the Optimist Junior Pipe Band. They are wearing the MacLeod tartan. These faces should be recognizable. The drummer second from the front is Mike Warden. In the second row, hidden by bass drummer, Lynne Silmser, is Mike Heard whose dad worked in the parts department of Healy Motors. There is no stamp on the card, so either it was never sent, or it was mailed in an envelope. 

Message on the back of the postcard: 

To: Cadet – J. M., Hut 22A “H” Coy

Central Command Cadet Camp, Camp Ipperwash via Forest Ontario

Dear John, On the other side is the band. We get them for 2.5¢ and sell them for 10¢. If we sell them, we get a profit of 7.5¢ to keep. Yesterday at Maxville I made $10 to keep selling postcards. I’m in a competition. I made 67 and 68. I bet Doug and Ellery by a couple of marks. I heard Eliz. did not get any marks because she played 2 of her 2nd turns over 3 times instead of 2. Doug’s big drone sheet off. M. Montgomery bought me a pipe & drum book. We got $1.50 to spend from the band and I am saving ten postcards for you.

~ Lily Worrall Collection

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