Cornwall, Ontario. Fires in 1933. Many volunteered to help

Many volunteered to help.

Another view shows only brick chimneys remained standing. At the bottom left, firemen train hoses on the fire from the roof of the Royal Bank. (Notice the Palace Theatre in the middle of the East side of the street. The theatre’s marquee is small and in the same style as the original on the Capitol Theatre.) Flames jumped the street at the North end of the block to claim the Walker Store and the Copeland Block. There were 2 streams of water from the Montreal pumper, one from Ottawa, and 17 from the Cornwall equipment. It was through their hard work that they managed to contain the fire and not lose the entire downtown. Sadly, the highly prized Victoria Arena on Third Street, which had served the community from the days of Queen Victoria could not be saved. Firemen brought the blaze under control by 3:30 p.m. and returned to the station at 8 p.m.

Local firemen were:
Chief, George Hunter, Deputy Chief Cory Moore
Fire Fighters: W. Borthwick, Arthur Conliffe, W. Copeland, J. Firn, L. Hurley, E. Kennedy, I. Miller, W.A. Milligan, A. Parker, Harry Plumley, A. Silmser, F. Silmser, G.Vasbinder, W. Silmser, C. Snetsinger, F. Taillon, E. Wagoner, G. Wagoner, J. Warrington, A. Wilson.

~ Lily Worrall Collection

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