Cornwall, Ontario. Fires of 1933. Many volunteered to help

Many volunteered to help.

This photo is taken from the clock tower of the Post Office. Visible through the smoke is St. Columban’s Church on Fourth Street, two blocks away from the Post Office. Cornwall Fire Chief George Hunter called for and received assistance from both Ottawa and Montreal fire departments. Station No. 34, Montreal, sent a pumper to Cornwall. However, on their way, near River Beaudette, they had to stop and change a left rear tire because of a faulty inner tube. The delay was later reported as “regrettable.” However, it was the Montreal force that halted the flames at the South end of the block, thereby saving the Royal Bank, which suffered only water damage. Firefighting equipment also came from Howard Smith Paper Mill, Canadian Cottons Limited, Beach Furniture, Ives Bedding, and Courtauld’s Limited.

~ Clive Marin Collection

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