St. Columban’s Roman Catholic Church.

St. Columban’s Roman Catholic Church.

The church was designed by George Emile Tanguay in 1894-96 (he also designed the Hotel Dieu Hospital on Second Street). For many years it was the only church available to Cornwall’s Catholic community. Families in the East End of the city walked miles to attend church services. The large empty field behind the church was used as a recreational ball field in the 1930s-40s. The steep hill behind the church was a popular toboggan hill in those early times. To the east of the church was an old white house that was used for the Catholic Women’s League and was not far from the outdoor farmer’s market behind the fire station. Eventually, the Church of the Nativity was built on Montreal Road to serve the Catholic community in the East End of town.

~ Lily Worrall Collection

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