A daughter writes home. Cornwall, Ontario

A daughter writes home.

Card date stamped Monday, Sep 2, 1912, Farran’s Point, to Mr. George Kerr, c/o Mrs. Wm. Chapau, 148 Bay Street, Kingston. Thur. Morning, Long Sault Rapids, Wales, Farran’s Point.

Dear Papa,

    So glad to get yr letter and to hear you were both well. Everything is O.K. here. P.O. doing a big business. I am so glad you decide to visit Kingston. Remember me to everyone. Lake Mawma up to the University. Could you get a nice book for Mr. H. and also a (?) note book unruled. I will & everyone will be so glad to see you & M. again. Your Lolly

History: Mr. George Kerr ex-MLA Dies

Special to the Montreal Star—Cornwall, Ont., March 24, 1913–Mr. George KERR, ex-M.P.P., died at his home at Farran’s Point on Friday night, aged sixty-six. He has been ailing for a long time. Mr. Kerr was a native of Ireland. Early in life he engaged in railroading and was one of the first conductors on the G.T.R. He was a member of the firm of Kerr Bros, who for many years conducted general stores at Farran’s Point and Aultsville. Mr. Kerr represented the County of Stormont in the Ontario Legislature for one term in the Conservative interest. He is survived by his widow and two daughters, Mrs. J. Lionel Homer and Miss Oril Kerr. 

~ Clive Marin Collection

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