Fire at the Nazareth Orphanage. Cornwall, Ontario

Fire at the Nazareth Orphanage.

This is not a postcard. It is a photograph. Lyall Manson suggested it should be called “Where’s Waldo?” because there is so much activity in the scene. It was Friday afternoon, May 4, 1950, shortly after lunch when the fire was discovered in the orphanage. Crowds began to gather to watch the excitement as smoke poured from the roof. Men can be seen carrying furniture out of the orphanage onto the lawn (at left). school children (along the fence) and a few adults stand transfixed as they watch the firemen climb onto (what must have been) a very hot metal roof. On the far right, (Sydney Street) two ladies stand chatting – hardly glancing at the fire. Notice the parking meter at the rear of the car, it probably cost a cent for one hour’s parking. Sadly, this fine building would be consumed by fire and lost to Cornwall’s facade. No lives were lost in the fire and no one was injured. 

~ Lily Worrall Collection

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