St. Lawrence Lodge, 5 miles East of Cornwall

St. Lawrence Lodge, 5 miles East of Cornwall.

This postcard was mailed to Mrs. P.J. Duvall, Westminster Maryland, c/o Arthur Naill U.S.A., and is postmarked 24 Sep 1935 at Clayton, New York, with a one-cent American stamp. 

Message: “Dear Mama and all, This is the home we stayed last night, fine home. Started again at 6 o’clock. Started to rain but just showers off and on awful damp and ugly I put on my knit slip and it feels good & have had lovely weather only Sun. Awful rained all day but we traveled over 200 mi. Traveled about 400 mi along St. Lawrence R. But I could exchange Md for any of it all. Love to all Mary.” 

~ Lily Worrall Collection

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