The Algonquin Hotel on Stanley Island, near Cornwall, Ontario

The Algonquin Hotel on Stanley Island.

The Algonquin Hotel was a popular resort for families but it also catered to many Americans who wanted to hunt and fish in Canada. This photo shows a band playing on the front lawn. As long as there was wind, the windmill would pump well water – probably into a large tank or cistern in the basement of the hotel. Cistern pumps (small mechanical hand pumps) would bring the water up into the kitchens, etc. Notice the boat in front with striped curtains all around. The boat behind it appears to be a steamboat for it has a chimney stack. The dock at the right side of the postcard has been hand-drawn. We have no way of knowing whether the dock extended further, or if there was a beach to walk along as the sketch indicates. 

~ Lily Worrall Collection

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