Cornwall and area as seen from above.
Cornwall has long been an internation crossing, though not without incident.
One of the last two 'atmospheric' theatres in the country, demolished in the name of 'progress'.
Many churches in the area.
With some modern photos of the interior renovation.
The glory days, before we all switched to a service based economy.
The city has had more than its fair share of fires.
Now amalgamated into the "Cornwall Community Hospital".
Every time I check into a motel I think of the room rates on many of these cards.
Hotels, movies, small business.
Commemorative paintings on the sides of several local buildings.
We had a Carnegie Library at one point.
Simple cabins to the grand Algonquin.
Another loss to fire.
Central Park, Canadian Legion, the Armouries
An assortment — parades, bands, officials and more.
Quite a bit has changed.
Second street may have been the main drag because of Highway 2 but this was the commercial centre.
Chain restaurants? Never heard of them.
New depth to the phrase, "Old School".
The "Boom" was short-lived.
Old Highway 2, the main drag.
The tourism industry would be booming if the rapids were still here.
“Tacky” is not a new idea.
Including the lengthy but accurately named Cornwall Street Railway Light and Power Corporation.
Cornwall has lots of it though like many other communities, we’re only just starting to reclaim it from industry.